Scripture Against Sola Scriptura
June is for Jesus
Fallacy Friday: Ignoratio Elenchi
True and False Ecumenism
From Cane Ridge to Rome: My Conversion from the church of Christ to the Catholic Faith
Can You PROVE the Resurrection? An Introduction to the Minimal Facts Defense
I Don't Like Ugly Churches (and God Doesn't Either)
Summa Contra Mormones: Whether or Not Our Lord Spoke to Other Peoples than the Israelites Only?
Pope Francis Must Punish the German Bishops
The Coming Religious Revival
Our Highest Thanksgiving
Happy Hallowmas!
Hallowe'en is an Aggressively Catholic Holiday
Dahmer: A Snuff Film with Only One Real Benefit
Shia LaBeouf Shows that the Latin Mass is the Way Forward for Catholicism
The Joy, Sorrow, and Hope of the Ascension
BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi Denied Communion by Archbishop of San Francisco
Summa Contra Mormones: Whether or Not Marriage is Eternal?
The One Day a Year that Christians and Atheists Agree
Observing the Ember Days