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Writer's pictureJackson R. J. Sweet

Happy Hallowmas!

Today is the Feast of All Saints, traditionally called Allhallows or Hallowmas Day in English. Today is the day upon which the Church celebrates all of those hallowed men and women of God who enjoy His presence in the Beatific Vision of Heaven. What initially began as a practical feast day, since there were and are too many Saints for every single one to have his own calendar feast day, has developed into something beautiful which should inspire hope in all faithful Christians: today we celebrate not just all canonized Saints, but simply all Saints.

We are not merely celebrating the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph, the Angels, the Apostles, and all the other Saints mentioned in the Litany. We are not merely celebrating our patrons and confirmation Saints. We're not even simply celebrating the unnamed Saints that form large groups, such as the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste or the Companions of Ss. Felicity and Perpetua. Rather, today we celebrate those unnamed and unknown Saints from throughout history who sit at the foot of God's throne. We celebrate the martyrs of the early Church who were unceremoniously reported to Rome by the neighbors for worshipping Christ alone. We are celebrating the unknown Crusader who protected the Holy Land and was either martyred in combat or died peacefully some years later. We celebrate the mediaeval peasant who worked his lord's land in all due submission and obedience and lived a completely unremarkable life. We even celebrate our own relatives who died in a state of sanctifying grace and now hopefully enjoy the bliss of the Heavenly Country. When we celebrate Allhallows Day, we are truly celebrating all Hallows.

During the sermon at Low Mass this morning, my priest discussed what made the Saints saints. He said that a Saint was someone who followed God everywhere He called, did what was required of him, and did all things to the glory of God because of love of God, and not merely out of fear or obligation. A Saint does all things for God's greater glory, whether it be something great like bringing about the conversion of many souls, or something as simple as drinking a cup of coffee. Throughout all of God's trials, to test the faithful and see if it is love or obligation that motivates his devotion, the Saint will rely upon divine grace to accomplish all. He will do everything he does in preparation for that dread Day of Judgement, whereupon all shall be revealed, and the dead in Christ shall receive their crowns of glory. The Saints are saints because they fall in love with the Almighty.

In imitation of those Saints, who themselves imitated Christ, let us answer this great call: let us fall radically in love with the God-man, Jesus Christ, and find ourselves so enraptured in His divine grace and love, that we one day find ourselves face to Face with Him in glory, and saying with All the Hallows in holy splendor:

Benediction, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, honour, and power, and strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen.

Have a happy and joyous Hallowmas Day.

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